Blogger's Quilt Festival - Small Quilt
Decisions, decisions! The Quilt Festival allows each quilter to enter up to 2 separate quilts, so I had a difficult time deciding which small quilt to enter. There's the Blue and Cream Pinwheel quilt that I made for my nephew Billy, the Bearly Hockey quilt and the Scrappy Shine quilt. Really, I love them all and I have no idea how to choose. I was hoping to use the Dreamweaver Quilt, but then I checked the measurements and it's 62x62 - just slightly too large for the small entry. And I'd already entered Florence in the large category. So I randomly chose the pinwheel quilt, probably because it's got such special meaning behind it.
My nephew, the son of my deceased brother, had chosen to return to school to better his situation in life and follow a career path similar to his father's. I knew that there would be times when he would wish he could go to his father for support and advice, so I chose to create this quilt for him as a tangible reminder of my love and support for him. What made it extra special was that I made it into a quillow, with the pillow front a duplicate of the quilt block I had made in honour of my brother for my family quilt blocks. Here's the pillow front:
The appliqued symbols are all representative of things that were significant in my brother's life. You can find an explanation of the symbols in this post. Here's a closer view of the quilt top:
And here's a closeup of the quilting.
This was my first time doing long arm quilting. And I decided that I liked it very much!
Blue, by the way, is my nephew's favourite colour.
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