
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Acrylic Painting Class

Tonight was my first acrylic painting class. Can you believe I produced this masterpiece?
LOL! We were experimenting with colour. Tonight's class was supposed to have been about value, but someone forgot to tell us that we need black and white paint. So four out of the 6 class members didn't have any, including me and we had to switch topics. The woman who was sitting next to me let me use some of her black and white paints for this picture. That is, if I can call it a picture. If tonight's results are anything to go by, I'd better stick with quilting. Everyone else's paintings actually looked like something. Mine looks like I did it in kindergarten. And I found out we need even more supplies than were on the list. Hey, this was just supposed to be about whether or not I will actually enjoy painting. I really didn't want to make a major financial investment until I know whether or not I can do this. Someone didn't plan this list very well. Even the colours: when you mix light cadmium red (which is more of an orange) with ultramarine blue, you don't get purple, you get mud (see the colour in the bottom half of the painting and in the centre). We actually should have crimson red. And more paintbrushes. And more canvas boards. So I could get to the end of this course and have a bunch of expensive art supplies and no artistic talent. Okay, I shouldn't say no artistic talent. Quilting is an art. And I used to do cake decorating and I think I was reasonably good at that, which is also art. But that doesn't mean I can paint. The original supply list said that it should only cost about $15 for supplies. Hello, I've already spent more than that and I hate to waste more money when I might get to the end of the course and wish I'd spent it on quilting supplies. <sigh> I half-ways already do.
Nevertheless, I'm no quitter and I shall persist until I find out I definitely can't paint. The instructor said that if anyone wanted to, they could try a painting at home and bring it in to next class. I responded that I'd rather bring in a quilt.
The interesting thing is half of the class members are my colleagues from work, though one of them doesn't work at the health unit any more. I had no idea they were taking the class, nor they me. All young occupational therapists, young enough to be my daughters, probably. The other two ladies in the class were more my age. One is a retired school teacher and I didn't get a chance to ask the other one what she does. 
Well, I need to head to bed soon, but first I think I'll check online to see how if I can order the rest of my supplies. Or at least what I can't get in town. I don't think I'll be shopping in the city in the next week and the art supply store where I bought my paints and brushes is not open any time that I could get in anyway. Unless I take time off work. 

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