
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Half Square Triangles

For February's blocks, we learned half-square triangles. I have to admit that I just love working on these small pieces and then putting them altogether into a block, and then seeing how the whole thing works together. On the left is the Chunky Chevron, on the right is the Balkan Puzzle. If you're not a quilter, it would be too hard for me to describe how these pieces all go together, but it's fun. And it's really not that hard. It's harder, I think, to describe than it is to actually do it. 
Can you guess which one is my favourite? It's the Balkan Puzzle. The Chunky Chevron really doesn't appeal to me for some reason. It's not just the colours, though I definitely love the green in the Balkan Puzzle. I'm still pleased with how it turned out, even though it's not my favourite block. 
I did forget to mention which January block is my favourite in my previous post. It's the asterisk, though the Balkan Puzzle is still my favourite overall. So far that is. There are plenty more to come. This class teaches two blocks a month for 10 months and then you spend the last two months finishing the quilt. It's supposed to be twin-sized. 
Hmm, still puzzling over the best background for taking pictures of quilt blocks. January's blocks were not set off very well by the fabric I set them on. February's blocks were shot on my over-the-door ironing board (which I bought especially for my sewing room). The print on the ironing board cover distracts from the quilt blocks. For next month I will have to find a plain white or cream background. 
Speaking of the ironing board - I have to close the door to use, which does not impress the cats at all. They like being free to come and go as they will. Sometimes they yell or rattle the door while I'm ironing...
Once again, if you'd like to take this course, here's the link:    Online Quilting Class

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